
Archive for Kindle Big Deal

New Edition of Seven Ox Seven Part One, Escondido Bound

New Edition of Seven Ox Seven Part One, Escondido Bound

Seven Ox Press published a new edition of Seven Ox Seven Part One, Escondido Bound by P. A. Ritzer on July 4, 2015. The title of the new edition has been simplified from the original Seven Ox Seven: A Story of Some Ways in the West. Part One, Escondido Bound. This new edition follows upon Seven Ox Press’ move of its distribution from Midpoint Trade Books to Pathway Book Service on May 13, 2015. It also follows the publication of the second installment of the trilogy, Seven Ox Seven Part Two, Escondido Loosed: Volume One.

After the burning at the end of P. A. Ritzer’s Seven Ox Seven Part One, Escondido Bound, Luke, Elizabeth, and Tom face the crucial decision of whether to remain in or leave Escondido Canyon. In Seven Ox Seven Part Two, Escondido Loosed: Volume One, Ritzer returns to these characters moments later. He presents them still burdened with the necessity of choosing and then follows them into the choosing and its consequences.

Seven Ox Seven: A Story of Some Ways in the West. Part One, Escondido Bound rose to Number One on Amazon.com for Historical Fiction and Western after it was selected for the Kindle Daily Deal on May 18, 2012. It was also chosen for the Kindle Big Deal, from August 9-23, 2012. It has been recognized by Writer’s Digest and honored with numerous awards, including the USA Book News National Best Books Award, two National Indie Excellence Awards, the IPPY Best Regional Fiction Bronze, and the Hollywood Book Festival Award. Seven souls risk everything on a life-changing gamble in Seven Ox Seven. The Stuart-Schurtz party venture into a strange land, seek a mysterious canyon (which may not exist), and face whatever the West Texas frontier of 1877 will throw at them. The age-old quest for home lies behind this radical disruption of their lives.

P. A. Ritzer started work on the story in 1992. In 1995, he drove across the Great Plains into the legendary American West of Kansas and Texas. Over the years, Seven Ox Seven grew into a trilogy. Part One (Escondido Bound) was published in hardcover in 2007, in ebook in 2009, in paperback in 2011 (new edition 2015). Ritzer’s own western odyssey lends a certain authenticity to Seven Ox Seven. He knows the day-to-day journey into the unknown, the nights in darkened campsites, the concern about provisions, the seeking for that which may not be attained, and through it all, the ongoing communion with those who lived out the pioneer experience in the time and place of Seven Ox Seven and left behind their accounts for any who might find, treasure, and learn from them.

Seven Ox Seven Part One, Escondido Bound will be available through online and brick-and-mortar bookstores or can be ordered from Seven Ox Press, P.O. Box 472467, Aurora, CO 80047-2467; telephone 720-207-2867, info@sevenoxpress.com. For more information visit sevenoxpress.com.


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Kindle Big Deal $1.99 for “Seven Ox Seven” Just Two More Days

22 August 2012

Seven Ox Seven, Part One: Escondido Bound has been chosen for the Kindle Big Deal from August 9 – August 23, 2012, and will sell for $1.99 during that time.


“Seven Ox Seven” Chosen for Kindle Big Deal

Seven Ox Seven, Part One: Escondido Bound has been chosen for the Kindle Big Deal from August 9 – August 23, 2012, and will sell for $1.99 during that time.